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The journal of an aspiring animation filmmaker. Inspiration, Film Analysis, Animation Art, Student Work, Book Notes, Book Store, Composing Pictures, and much more!

Dec 19, 2005


"Viewing the entire history of American animated features in a book offers a unique perspective on the art form. The first thing that strikes me is that there have only been 308 features released in the US through 2004. Hollywood, by comparison, produces more live-action films in any one or two-year period than have been produced in the entire eighty years of animated film history. The other fact that sticks out is that over half of these animated films have been released since 1990."

- Cartoon Brew

Well, all I've got to say about that is, "Wow..."

Speaking of live action films, I've been raiding the vault so to speak. Watching as many old films as I can. As I journey towards becoming a film maker, studying for it is quite entertaining to say the least. Check out the top 250 films, and make sure you've seen atleast the top 100 :)

IMBd top 250 films

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