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The journal of an aspiring animation filmmaker. Inspiration, Film Analysis, Animation Art, Student Work, Book Notes, Book Store, Composing Pictures, and much more!

Jan 31, 2006

Call for Quotes

I've added a couple more sections on the right, I've also been updating the design of the site. That's something I think I'll be continually doing, I like to keep things fresh. Anyway, if you want to find out about me or what I'm reading check out the "About" and "Books..." sections. I have a few more sections to come, but I have too much animating to do! :)

Also I'm looking for as many good animation quotes as I can find. I have a quite a bit already, from the various books I have that I've destroyed with highlighter pens (bwahahaa), but I could always use more. So let me know your favorite animation quote of wisdom! Once I get enough I'll make the quote header above generate a random one for some fresh wisdom for my visitors...all two of you! :)



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