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Jul 13, 2005

Copyright Schmopyright...

I've got a nice soundtrack picked out for my demo reel, and an even better dialogie clip I'm planning to use for my final exercise. You would think I could just go ahead and use them, like every other demo-reel-making student on the planet does, because who cares right? Nobody's really gonna know right? Atleast noone that would get upset....

Unfortunately the sound geeks at my school want copyright permission in writing for everything I use that isn't mine. I've spoken to a lot of students at a lot of different schools (even Academy of Art), and this is unheard of. Those students just do what they like, and I think we should be able to as well.

Can you imagine how long it's gonna take for these big production companies to get back to me? I guess it's a good thing I started sending out the requests now...

Evening rant concluded...

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