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The journal of an aspiring animation filmmaker. Inspiration, Film Analysis, Animation Art, Student Work, Book Notes, Book Store, Composing Pictures, and much more!

Mar 18, 2009

Composing Pictures: Chapter 8

I've received a lot of email congratulating me on my attempts to raise money for school. A lot of people are saying they wish they went to this school, and others are saying they wish they'd thought of this. I had to muster up a bit of courage to ask because it's just not my nature to ask for money like that. But when the stakes are so high, before I give up, I have to be able to say I tried everything. Because that's how bad I want it.

I want to thank the latest donators. Thank you Mark, Miguel, Henry, Andy, Roger, Nadine, and Carla. Your support is amazing. Thank you!

Here's another chapter from Don Graham's book:



Blogger Matt Jones said...

check out the audio archive here:


March 19, 2009 3:43 AM


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